Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Week 11 Task


Conflict is "a state of discord caused by the actual or perceived opposition of need, values and interests"[1]. An immediate perception of the word may conjure the idea of fighting and disagreement.
However, it is also through this disagreement that we achieve productivity. Within collaboration, the clash of opposing motives or interests highlights the need for improvement within the group. Discovering a common ground is critical to achieving this improvement and productivity. This common ground will ultimately enhance the methodology and relationship between individuals and/or group. This common ground must treat all in collaboration with equality and fairness. Having a degree of professionalism towards ones work will greatly help to lower the risk of conflict as well as resolve conflicts faster. As seen in the diagram below, the pyramid represents an iceberg, showing elements that do not appear on the surface and fuel the chances of conflict.
Inherently, we all share these traits to some degree. Therefore, as aforementioned, professionalism plays a major role in determining the emergence and resolution of conflict.

It is inevitable that some form of conflict in collaboration will arise, thus, it is important to plan in advance. For example, as Chivon mentioned in the presentation last week, using the strategic planning tool called the “SWOT analysis”, is an effective means of identifying the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats affecting the group and/or project. Conflict can be both internal and external, making them either weakness within the group or threats from outside of it. It is vital that a hierarchal structure for groups in collaboration be constructed in order to manage conflict. Optimistically, conflict can be used a positive tool to discover the groups weaknesses. The project or brief should always be the common goal or objective shared by all within the group. A part of implementing the idea of hierarchy in collaboration is placing a hierarchal structure on the main task. The main task should be carefully decomposed and evaluated into smaller manageable sub-tasks each assigned with a level of criteria and importance. In doing any of these sub-tasks, the group must share common ground in order to move forward and achieve the main task. Constant conflict will only waste time and resources. It is imperative that conflict be resolved immediately.

Within my own group, the impact of conflict has been minimal. I can only recall a few disagreements which were resolved quickly. For example, for our groups presentation on Hierarchy, it was suggested the speaker wear a tiara to impose authority and focus attention. In a group of four girls and one guy, I at first opposed the idea. My group encouraged me to wear it and I gave it a try. In the end, I did wear the tiara for our presentation. My reasoning for deciding to wear it was because I believed it was in the best interests of the group. It was definitely an effective tool or prop to use in our presentation. I had to take a selfless approach to my work and find common ground with my group in order to resolve the conflict. In conclusion, the emergence of conflict is inevitable and difficult but it is through quality collaboration that a swift resolution be achieved to stabilise the group towards success.


1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conflict Accessed: June 03, 2008
2. http://www.positivechangesnow.ca/Business/ConflictIceberg/tabid/551/Default.aspx Accessed: June 03, 2008
First image: http://www.creativeoutcomes.ca/Image%20Files/Smart%20Object/Conflict_Orange_BG.jpg Accessed: June 03, 2008
Second image: http://www.positivechangesnow.ca/Portals/5/Iceberg%20of%20Conflict2.jpg Accessed: June 03, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Planning - Shockwave presentations + Theoretical position

Shockwave presentations

Alright. I've made two shockwave presentations for showing our questions one after the other. I know we all chose
"He who fails to plan, plans to fail" but I've done a backup presentation of "Planning bridges the gap between where we are and where we intend to go". I'll show you guys both presentations before class today and you can choose. Additionally, below I am writing little sentences to support either one of our theoretical positions in the presentation today.

Planning - Theoretical position
  • Theoretical position 1 - "He who fails to plan, plans to fail".
Okay based on the e-mail messages, our theoretical position is "He who fails to plan, plans to fail".

Rachel since you're starting first you'll just have to say that line to introduce our presentation.

The last person to present which might be me or whoever does says their educational plan last needs to say this to end the presentation:

"In conclusion, creating a plan does not always guarantee success but without one almost definitely ensures failure. "

  • Backup theoretical position 2 - "Planning bridges the gap between where we are and where we intend to go"

1. Again, Rachel starts first and simply states our theoretical position.

2. Again, the last person to present will end with this:

"In conclusion, planning provides us with a clearer forecast of the future and helps to guide us to reach our intended goals."

We'll discuss more later. Cya everyone. Good luck.

Planning - My speech

Here is a copy of my speech/answer for my question. Please post yours on your blog guys so that we all have a good idea what we're all saying.

Individually identify your educational plan, both in terms of this course, and the degree in general?

“My educational plan in terms of the course is to enhance my knowledge and thinking of the nine main elements relating to collaboration we are all studying during this semester. I want to understand what the importance of these terms to me as a student and how I can apply this to work I do in the future. Additionally, I aim to develop my teamwork, oral and written skills. I aim to do this by consistently doing comprehensive research on each term every week to produce a defined blog post that represents my understanding and depth of knowledge of the term. Also I aim to augment this with daily or weekly practice in UT3 to develop my digital modeling skills. In terms of the degree, I ultimately aspire to study courses that interest me and be beneficial to my future career. It is imperative that I have a dedicated and organized attitude towards my university work to ensure a successful outcome. Also I owe it to my wonderful parents =D”

Approximately 50 seconds duration.

Good luck with everything guys. Cya all tomorrow.

Terrain & Video progress

I've just completed the video for planning and will be uploading it onto youtube and then the wiki within the next hour. Personally I think its boring haha but it states what planning does, how we've shown it and our progress in fabrication.

I have done the Terrain to a state I believe acceptable to show in our presentation tomorrow. It contains the general contours and basic terrain ground materials, surrounding buildings, indicative areas of foliage and appropriate skydome. There is definitely still more work to do. I need to add materials to the surrounding buildings, make a good road, more accurate representation of foliage, adding street signs, electricity lines, etc, fix the ocean and lighting. At the moment, the water I create isn't rendering/building properly. It's always black. I've followed the tutorials but its still not working. I'll probably just start doing the water from scratch. Anyways, please read your e-mails guys! It's important for tomorrow. Below are some progress images of the terrain.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Week 10 Task


Planning is the “act of formulating a program for a definite course of action” [1] Before undertaking any sort of project or task, a plan must be developed. “Preparation of a comprehensive plan will not guarantee success, but lack of a sound plan will, almost certainly, ensures failure.” [2] The plan should be a “realistic view of the expectations” [3]. It is the key to growth, helping too forecast the future to some extent and bridge the gap between where we stand and where we intend to go. There are numerous critical elements that a plan must contain in order to be effective. The plan should be set by a person having authority and define a clear and realistic goal. It should be easily measurable in qualitative and quantitative terms in order to provide a benchmark upon which actual performance can be measured and assessed. Additionally, the plan should outline specific strategies to implement throughout the project so that there is a clear definition of action towards achieving short and long term goals. However, a plan is never perfect. It cannot exactly predict the future but when done correctly, it can provide the best possible direction in successfully completing the project or goal.

One of the most effective tools in strategic planning is the SWOT analysis. “It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieving that objective” [4]

By taking a comprehensive review of both the internal and external environment of a business or any collaborative work, understanding where we stand and factors that can be beneficial or detrimental to achieving the project or goal are clearly defined. There are a multitude of types of planning such as the business plan, statutory planning and strategic planning but all contain the same concepts or critical elements as aforementioned. The process of planning is primary to the success of any project being undertaken. Beginning a project without a clear and comprehensive plan will ultimately waste time and resources. The effectiveness of ones methods are weakened without the guidance of a plan. In short, “He who fails to plan, plans to fail.” [5]


1. http://wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=planning Accessed: May 26, 2008.

2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planning#Planning_basics Accessed: May 26, 2008.

3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planning#Planning_basics Accessed: May 26, 2008.

4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SWOT_analysis
Accessed: May 26, 2008.
5. http://thinkexist.com/quotation/he_who_fails_to_plan-plans_to/169985.html Accessed: May 26, 2008.
Image - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0b/SWOT_en.svg/320px-SWOT_en.svg.png Accessed: May 26, 2008.

Haughey, D 2008, Project Planning A Step by Step Guide, Accessed: May 26, 2008. <http://www.projectsmart.co.uk/project-planning-step-by-step.html>


Apart from being sick, I am having emotional problems right now. It's really personal so I don't want to say anything. It's affecting my uni work and I am doing what I can. I am sorry my blog hasn't been done yet. I am trying to do it now.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Terrain progress

Sadly, all I can say is progress is slow. Primarily because I am busy with so many other things. But I've decided to post a plan.

Using Unreal on my computer is really a pain. It's so slow, I best set aside a date to use the computers at university so I can work better.

The next weeks plan

Wednesday 21st - Help from group. For example, more clarification on details of the site.
Thursday 22nd - Plan out terrain.
Friday 23rd - Spend a day at Uni. Aim: General contours done. Add in the road.
Saturday 24th - Work on Planning presentation. Other uni work.
Sunday 25th - Work on Planning presentation. Other uni work.
Monday 25th - Spend another day at Uni. Aim: Start to add meshes. Surrounding buildings etc
Tuesday 26th - Work on Planning presentation. Other uni work.

Essentially, what I want to have done by next week before our groups final presentation is the terrain with decently appropriate and accurate contours with surrounding landscaping done so we've got something good to show. I'll do my best. Just having some problems at the moment. Cya guys tomorrow.